Thursday, August 6, 2009

Huge Lips, Skinny Hips... & other obsessions...

Okay... By now you (and all our friends on Facebook & Twitter) know that I'm Obsessed with winning the "Huge Lips/Skinny Hips" contest from & taking my hubby on that fabulous "fashionista" trip to NYC. I'm 'obsessed' because I think it's actually possible, and because it'd be fun to prove that a Normal woman over 50 (read: Not Madonna) is actually "hot" enough to personify a lip gloss, And "hot" enough to 'go viral'- and knows a thing or two about the power of Social Networking!
These photos were taken July 4th, and while I'm certainly no sylph (yet), at least I've managed to diet my way into the spangly Bob Mackie number I'd eBayed myself several months ago. Having "grown" into a size 8, that's what I bought, but it turned out to be a Very Small 8, and wouldn't even Begin to zip up... I hung it in the closet & persevered with my Gentle Diet (5 cups of green tea a day when possible, charting Everything I eat/drink, and trying, also when possible, to keep under 1000 calories a day), and finally tried it back on the afternoon of July4th... and -Wowee!- it zipped!
All I've lost so far is a big , fat 10 lbs, but when you're 4'10" tall, that's one entire clothing size! The photo on the left also shows that at 50 I can still hop up & down on one foot in 5" spike (red) heels, which, of course, makes me the total personification of "Red Sole" lip gloss!
As I write this, I am at #66 in the "Huge Lips/Skinny Hips" contest, so "Viral" is clearly working!!! But I still only have 34 votes, and am still only "warm", so I NEEEEED YOUR HELP! Please click the link to the right & vote (once) for me, & then "share" it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, via email, etc. If you can, please write a "comment" on the entry, too! The more times you share it (I post it on Facebook & Twitter once a day) the better...

Re: Madonna, on my 50th birthday, back in April, a good friend emailed me 6 un-retouched photos of Madonna from a recent photo shoot. This was Absolutely THE best birthday present I received! I IMMEDIATELY felt ABSOLUTELY GREAT about myself and the way I look! :-D

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