We hope you all had fun- we just wish it all hadn't gone by so fast!! It seemed like you just got here and then you were all gone WAY too soon, and there were still ribs to smoke and beer to drink... and Dan & I went thru "post-party-um depression"!
This "album" starts with my Fave Pix: "Three Hot Babes in a Hot Tub"! (Next year we're shooting for five...)
Below is my second fave, a new entry in my "Clark Sisters in the Kitchen" album! We've now had four of Dan's sisters (and several friends) attempt to reinvent our kitchen!
NOTE: This used to Really embarrass the Martha Stewart-Wannabe deep within me (when Pat first did it I was so mortified I wanted to Diiiiiiiiiiiie.....), but now I'm, like, totally into it! Come on down!
NEWS FLASH: "Smokin' Dan", the undisputed Grill King of Landgraff, West Virginia, just won a spot as a finalist in the Cattleman's BBQ Sauce Contest- and a T-shirt stating he's a "Certified BBQ Genius"! And as you who ate his smoked lamb chops know, that ain't no lie! :-)
Dan & Rich removing & reinstalling an a/c... because a day without a Project is Truly a day without sunshine...
Dan's Midnight Mousse Chocolat with Fresh Raspberries...
Dan setting the fireworks...
And our nest of swallows up above the front porch- the babies getting ready to fly!