Monday, February 22, 2010

Elisse & Dan's Excellent Cruise Adventure: 2 old adrenaline-junkies!

Two old adrenaine-junkies, having fun...

We had a LOT of fun on our Royal Caribbean cruise on "Freedom of the Seas" that we booked with These photos are proof of it, & everytime I look at them I'm filled with happiness. The best part was that Dan (63) & I (50) got to PLAY: ride SeaDoos (which we'd both wanted to do for Ages) and snorkel among the coral reefs off Labadee, Haiti; ATV in the jungles of Cozumel to the Mayan ruins & get supremely muddy (at least Elisse did!); and ride horseback in the ocean in Jamaica! Living proof that two old "Boomers'"can still get out there and kick booty! But I was the ONLY woman riding her own SeaDoo- what's up with that??? 
Our only regrets were that the excursons were too short & went by SO fast, & that we didn't get to spend more time in port, as we would have Loved to have had more adventures & eat have dinner in both Jamaica & Mexico; we badly wanted to rent scooters and take the horse-and-carriage ride around Cozumel... But we did get to have a yummy lunch of jerk conch & ginger beer with good company in Jamaica, drink anjejo tequila in Mexico ("Tequila- it's not just for breakfast any more!"), see iguanas up close & personal, and learn about the Mayan fertility rites (& waters) of Cozumel! We even wound up with matching shirts & caps- something we swore we'd NEVER do!
And Absolutely Yes, we will do it again! And soon, G-d Willing!

Next installment: Cruise Ship Glamour, and driving home to WV via St. Augustine, FL...

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